colophon: a brief statement containing information about the publication.


A brief statement about this site

This design is technically the fifth iteration of this website. I purchased the URL way back in 1998. It was going to be an artist collective of close friends and collaborators all in one space, hence the name. Sadly, it never quite managed to evolve into what I had hoped for, so in the early oughts, I re-purposed it—making it my personal site, and here we are 22 years later. At some point, I should write a longer post on the evolution of this site, and perhaps someday I will.

This colophon is just a small overview of what’s currently going into this site. I’m a massive fan of marginalia in books and those colophon notes on what typeface a book is typeset in. This colophon is by no means meant to take the place of a good style guide which is also important.


Body copy is set in Georgia, headings are also set in Georgia, and I’ve thrown in a dash of Courier for various meta data entries.


I’ve opted to use WordPress for this round of the site with the Foundation framework creating the bones of the pages. I have several thoughts on both of these–some good and some bad, but they have become a de-facto standard and suit my purposes at this time.