an article or random bits on the subject(s) of learning, life, thoughts, writing.

Moving at the Speed of Negligence

emoticon sad face illustration

“Where have you been?”

“Perhaps you’ve heard of this thing called a pandemic?”

“I’ve heard of this thing called negligence.”


The above excerpt is a portion of the consistent inner dialogue I’ve had rumbling around in my head since the beginning of 2020. Making a move towards writing more burns within me like an intense flame, and then I look at the world, and I don’t know what even to say. That inner flame then fades into a small, dying ember.

I have read less, studied less, and watched more TV in the past year than in any year in recent memory. 2020 has been a desire and motivation sucking mental challenge—a put your head down, get used to the “new normal,” grind it out, and don’t look back challenge. I’m ready to start fresh.

I’ve spent the last couple of weeks reading Austin KleonSeth Godin, and a few other bloggers that I’ve lost touch with over the past year. It’s been good for me. Inspiring. It’s helped me remember why I write for myself and others. It’s therapeutic. It’s creative. It provides clarity. And, it is all the things I need right now.

Hence, “hello!”…again.