I’ve been thinking on the subject of down time and the importance of resetting. This is most likely because I’m so completely horrible at striking that balance between work and real life.
Complexity and Coincidence
I don’t put much stock in concepts like fate, destiny, and luck. Never have. I do, however, find extreme coincidences super interesting. These random bits of weirdity happen constantly, and at times, can admittedly seem quite uncanny.
13% and 13 Days

Today is day 13 in my quest to 100 days of blogging. While I’m only a mere 13% of the way into this journey, this has already been an interesting experience.
Designers Who Write
There need to be more designers who write. When I say “write”, I’m not talking about those same 100 blog topics that every studio and agency re-hash.
Verso, Recto, and Repeat
I often talk about how important the act of reading is to a designer. I don’t have many platforms or soap boxes that I get on regularly, but the importance of staying current and understanding our place in the stream of time through continued education is one of them.