Thinking a bit about technology while visiting my first Amazon store.
Taking Risks, the French Kiss of Entrepreneurship

You can’t have reward without some measure of risk. As an entrepreneur or small business owner risk has to become a part of the daily trade.
My State of the Union: 2018

A few reflections from 2017 and some thoughts on 2018.
My Interview with Jeffrey Zeldman

In November of this year, I had the opportunity to interview web design legend, Jeffrey Zeldman for AIGA. Jeffrey is an amazing wealth of information.
The Evolution of the Entrepreneur: An Interview with Josh Kenyon of Jolby & Friends

I’ve completed the first of three interviews I’ll be conducting in 2017 for AIGA. The Portland chapter approached me at the tail end of 2016 to see if I’d be interested in contributing to a year long project that would explore what it takes to start a design studio. The interview series talks to successful… Read more »